Sunday, June 14, 2009


The latest news of the disappearance of tigers from the panna Tiger Reserve presents a very dismal picture of the condition of tigers in India.This is the 2nd reserve after Sariska to be presented the accolade of being a tiger reserve without a single tiger in it.
The count of tigers in India has been coming down from a long time due to rampant poaching.these poached skins find their way to China and Tibet where they are sold at hefty prices.In 2004,Environmental Intelligence Agency released a report entitled "the Tiger Trail"which documented the trade routes used to smuggle poached skins from India via Nepal into Tibet &China.In 2005,Wildlife Protection Society of India & EIA revealed the use of poached skins for decorating Tibetan costumes called Chupas as being the driving force for the smuggling of skins.According to them,markets still persists in Lhasa & Linxia despite being banned.
The Tiger is a pivotal species in the food chain being at its pinnacle.a healthy tiger population not only indicates the well-being of the entire forest but also keeps the count of herbivores under check as well as helps in maintaining ecological balance.
Despite holding more than half of the world's tigers,which was approximately 1411 according to the latest survey by National Tiger Conservation Authority,little has been done to keep the tiger count under check.Acts have been passed from time to time like Wildlife Protection Act 1972 but due to inefficiency and corruption,they have hardly managed to make an impact.Similarly,recommendations of Subramaniam Committee for Prevention of Illegal Trade in Wildlife,1994 &Tiger Task Force ,2005 have been proposed but not implemented.Besides these,our reserves are deprived of efficient task forces,proper infrastructure.Commitments of the authorized officials is reflected from the fact that the field Directors of 3 reserves namely Panna,Kanha & Bandhavgarh were transferred due to mismanagement & large-scale deaths.The natural habitats of tigers and other wild animals are getting affected adversely because of widespread deforestation.
but still India has the best chance of saving the tiger from extinction as tigers occupy around 17 states in is my appeal to everyone to contribute in their own way to ensure that another reserve is not enlisted after Sariska and Panna.